
The earth’s ability to sustain ongoing human activity at the current and predicted future levels of natural resource consumption requires innovative approaches and prudent policies. This is particularly true and acute as it relates to marine related food grade raw materials. Enter Asta Ltd . . .

With an innovative process technology, that is not just environmentally friendly, it is economically attractive in its ability to fully utilize and transform animal protein raw materials into shelf-stable products for later use, with virtually no processing residuals. The shelf-stable products produced have broad commercial applicability, and perfectly fit the concept of “Providing Protein and Nutrients for Life . . .”™

Committed to resource management. Why? . . . Because it is just the right thing to do for the ecosystem, and the right thing to do for our shareholders. Asta’s initial and primary source of raw materials is food processing residuals or discards from fish fillet and fish processing operations. These residuals are easily and efficiently converted to valuable products by our Continuous Enzymatic Hydrolysis process, resulting in a significant revenue stream while eliminating the negative effect of otherwise grinding, pumping, and dumping these same processing residuals as pollutants and bio-hazards into local ecosystems.

Whose secondary source of raw materials are forecasted to be “fish in the round” (i.e. obtained directly from fishing vessels).  Rather than purposely targeting under utilized species, which may lead to “fishing down food webs,”™ Asta intends to monitor bycatch (non-target catch) opportunities that occur within bounded, well-managed fisheries. Bycatch often includes under utilized and non-marketable marine species of abundance. There are numerous of these marine species in the oceans. The amount of “harvest” Asta needs to reach its revenue forecasts is small in comparison to the overall biomass represented in bycatch. Prudent management of bycatch resources will result in years of harvest without ever impacting sustainability.

Where our future includes additional sources of protein raw materials from the animal as well as the plant kingdoms that will be incorporated as we develops new and innovative ideas.

Being economically responsible to our shareholders, and understanding that we are also accountable for environmental stewardship are regarded by Asta’s management team as consistent and congruent responsibilities.

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